CEO Outlook Magazine

DoubleLine ETF Adviser LP Purchases 20,263 Shares of Oracle Co.

DoubleLine ETF Adviser LP Purchases 20,263 Shares of Oracle Co.

September 13, 2023: DoubleLine ETF Adviser LP, an investment management firm, purchased 20,263 shares of Oracle Co. (NYSE: ORCL) in the third quarter, according to its latest 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The purchase valued the shares at approximately $1.88 million.

Oracle is a multinational technology company that provides various software and cloud computing services. The company’s stock has been on a tear in recent months, rising more than 20% in the third quarter.

DoubleLine ETF Adviser LP is a subsidiary of DoubleLine Capital, a leading investment management firm. The firm manages over $100 billion in assets.

The purchase of Oracle shares by DoubleLine ETF Adviser LP is a bullish signal for the company. It suggests that the investment firm believes that Oracle is a good investment and that its stock price is undervalued.

Here are some actional and practical takeaways from the article:

  • DoubleLine ETF Adviser LP is a reputable investment firm.
  • The purchase of Oracle shares by DoubleLine ETF Adviser LP is a bullish signal for the company.
  • Oracle is a multinational technology company with a strong track record.
  • Oracle’s stock price has been on a tear in recent months.

Here is a simple framework for understanding the purchase:

  • DoubleLine ETF Adviser LP is an investment firm that buys and sells stocks.
  • The firm recently bought 20,263 shares of Oracle stock.
  • The purchase valued the shares at approximately $1.88 million.
  • The purchase is a bullish signal for Oracle stock.

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