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Activision CEO Bobby Kotick Discusses Microsoft, Neuralink, and Guitar Hero Revival

Activision CEO Bobby Kotick Discusses Microsoft, Neuralink, and Guitar Hero Revival

October 16, 2023: In a leaked interview ahead of Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard, CEO Bobby Kotick discussed his vision for the future of gaming. Kotick spoke about the potential of new technologies like Microsoft Research and Elon Musk’s Neuralink to revolutionize how we interact with games. He also hinted at a possible revival of the popular Guitar Hero franchise.

Microsoft Research and Neuralink

Kotick expressed excitement about the potential of Microsoft Research and Neuralink to enhance the gaming experience. He believes these technologies could enable players to interact with games more immersive and intuitively.

“I think you’ll see things like Neuralink — you’ll be able to interact with things on the screen, where there isn’t a controller,” Kotick said. “It might be a Neuralink, but also an earpiece, headset, or some other type of sensor.”

Guitar Hero Revival

Kotick also hinted at a possible revival of the Guitar Hero franchise. The series, popular in the early 2000s, has been dormant since 2015.

“We’re uniquely situated as a company because we have the very best franchises in all video games,” Kotick said. “We’re looking ahead to the next ten years of gaming, and we think that Guitar Hero is one of those franchises with much potential.”

What the Future Holds

Kotick’s interview offers a glimpse into the future of gaming, both at Activision Blizzard and in the industry as a whole. It remains to be seen how Microsoft’s acquisition will impact the company’s plans, but Kotick’s vision is clear: he wants to create more immersive, intuitive, and engaging games than ever before.

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